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Do Exercise, Reduce Extra Weight And Become Fit

Health is wealth. If you want to successful in every sector of your life then you have to maintain your fitness properly. There are two kinds of fitness, They are Physical and mental.  However, fitness is a big thing but in this post, I will discuss the reduction of Extra fat and weight.

BMI (Body Mass Index) is an important issue for the human body. You have to maintain your BMI at a level which is good for your body. You can know everything about BMI from here.

Exercise plays a vital role to reduce the extra fat and weight from your body. At this time the limit of exercise is depended on the condition of your body.  At first, don’t do heavy exercise. First time began with light exercise, after a few days if it becomes accustomed, then start heavy exercise. I am suggesting some exercise bellow which is very much effective to reduce fat and weight.

Run/High-intensity intervals: Run every day for at least 20-30 minutes.

Buck’s jumps: Jump up to 6″ to 36″ and jump down. It will reduce the fat from your belly. Do it 2 or 3 set and at least 10 or 15 times in every set.

Leg-abs exercise jumps: The maximum power have to apply in air. Do 2 or 3 set and at least 20 30 30 times in every set.

Leg-abs exercise: Do it 3 sets and 30 times in every set.

Bicycle crunches: Do it 30 or 40 times in every day.


Beside this, you can play a game, As cricket, football or any kind of outdoor game. Mind it, The outdoor game is one kind of exercise.

That’s all from today. take care of your body and be healthy.

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One Comment

  1. Nice article. Everything of health and fitness found here.A good health is a key to happiness.If we follow your thinking we everyone can be mentally happy.I think physically disable people will find also help from this article.My request to you is that write an article for the people like me who sit in front of a computer for 15-18 hours daily.

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